Kota - Students of ALLEN Career Institute are consistently proving their excellence in International Level Examinations. Lay Jain, Nishant Abhangi and Bhaskar Gupta Classroom students of ALLEN Career Institute are selected to represent India in International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) 2018.
Five students each from 93 countries will participate in the final stage. The International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) is an annual competition in physics for secondary school students, aiming at promoting physics and the development of international contacts in physics education.
IPhO is a competition between individuals. Each participant has to solve both theoretical and experimental problems. The competition lasts for two days. One day is devoted to theoretical problems (three problems of five-hour duration involving at least four areas of physics taught in secondary schools, the total number of the marks is 30). The other day is devoted to experimental problems (consists of one or two problems of five-hour duration, the total number of the marks is 20). These two days are separated by at least one full day of rest.
Important Links
- HBCSE Olympiads
- Join Allen Career Institute for a bright future - Apply Now
- CBSE Class 12 Result 2018 - Check Here
- CBSE Class 10 Result - Check Here
- IJSO 2017 Winners
- IJSO 2017 Winners from Allen
- ALLEN ASAT Online Registration