SP Jain School of Management ranked amongst top 20 institutes in the 'Best International MBAs One-Year Programmes' category. Its the second time that SP Jain School of management is ranked in amongst first 20 Forbes list. The Institute holds a 5-year record for being ranked in the Forbes Top 20 list of the World's Best One-Year International MBAs. This time it holds a rank of 16 and also has been ranked number one in terms of salary growth. SP Jain School of Global Management has a base Institute in Mumbai and proudly holds campuses in Sydney, Singapore and Dubai. The Forbes ranked all 20 selected MBA institutions on the basis of return on investment achieved by the graduates.
The main motive behind the evaluating the performance of the graduate outcomes over a period of time is t ensure long-term student growth. The increase in the salary of the candidates of SP Jain Global MBA has been registered. The salary for candidates of SP Jain Global MBA Class 2012 was USD 9,000 and in 2016 it turns in to USD 50,000.
SP Jain School of Global Management Admissions
More About the SP Jain School of Management in Forbes List
SP Jain School of Global Management has not only listed in top 20 World's Best One-Year International MBA institutes but also ranked 95 amongst the top 100 overall in the 2015 Economist ranking. This is a great success for Mumbai based institution. This institution also offers some interesting and unique courses such as cybersecurity, virtual reality, big data and visual analytics and global security management.
Key points about the SP Jain Ranking in Forbes List
- SP Jain School of Management Sydney, Australia is Ranked Number 16 out of 20 in the list of Forbes.
- SP Jain holds the number one position in terms of Salary Growth. The ranking compared the earnings of the Class of 2012 in their first five years post-MBA.
- The Forbes ranked all 20 selected MBA institutions on the basis of return on investment achieved by the graduates.
- SP Jain School of Management was also ranked 95 amongst the top 100 overall in the 2015 Economist ranking.
- The institution also offers some interesting and unique courses such as cybersecurity, virtual reality, big data and visual analytics and global security management.
SP Jain School of Global Management
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