United Kingdom on Monday made an announcement to withdraw the option of working while studying for the overseas students from outside the European Union. Under tough New Rules laid down by home secretary Theresa May the same will come into effect from Next month of this year itself as more and more people are using the Academic Institutions as a means to gain British VISA. The new cackdown on visa fraud says that student visas should be used for study and “not as a backdoor to the country’s job market”. The main objective of all these measures is to:
- Reduce the Visa Fraud
- Closedown bogus privately funded colleges
“The students who come to study at publicly-funded further education (FE) colleges in Britain from Non-European countries” said James Brokenshire- UK immigration minister. The universities have also designed a method to catch hold of all the fake colleges who admit Foreign Students.
The Non-EU Students have not only been banned from working while they study but also The UK Authorities will not permit them to apply for visas after completion of their course. As a further crackdown, the term of the student visas issued for FE colleges has also been cut from three to a maximum of two years after which they will have to leave the country.
FE colleges are academic institutes which include vocational colleges for students in the UK and which do not fall within the domain of a full-fledged university.
The number of foreign students at British further education colleges has slumped in recent years from a peak of more than 110,000 in 2011 to 18,297 in the last 12 months. (Source: Guardian)
In the meantime, unlike UK other competitor countries will be benefitted as they offer more lucrative deals when it comes to pursue higher studies. Present post-study Work Policy of UK is not able to fulfill the needs of the employers and affects the education sector adversely. The result of this is that the country is losing out on the revenue it can earn from foreign students.