India's first Indian Institute of Skills (IIS) is Inaugurated in Kanpur. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated India’s first Indian Institute of Skills in Kanpur and laid its foundation stone. First IIS is established with the vision to set such kind of skill institutes in the country and make India the skill capital of the world.
The Indian Institute of Skills is established by the Skill Development Ministry, Government of India and Institute of Technical Education, Singapore.
Institute of Technical Education, Singapore will be the partner of Skill Development Ministry, India for this great venture and the ministry has decided that to there will be total six Indian Institute of Skills in all over India.
Kaushal Pradarshani (skill exhibition) for the youth is also inaugurated on the same day. The exhibition will showcase state-of-the-art vocational training practices of various sectors. The exhibition will open for the public visit from 19 to 22 December 2016.
Other Skill Development Initiatives
- Two other skill development initiatives such as 'Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs)' and 'Drivers' Training Institutes' were introduced earlier this year.
- A memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the National Skill Development Council and OLA cabs for drivers' training. The Government of India committed for positive changing and new initiatives for skill development of the people of India under the program “Skill India’’.
- The street food vendors and workers from leather industry are givenSkill Certificates in recognition of prior learning programme of the government.
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