73 seats remained vacant in IITs after the JoSAA counselling conducted for IITs, NITs, IIITs and other Government-Funded Technical Institute. Out of 73 vacancies in IITs total, 38 are in IIT-BHU. Total vacant seats in IITs, NITs, IITs, and other Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTI) are as follows:
Institutes |
Vacant Seats |
IITs |
73 |
NITs |
1518 |
407 |
Other GFTIs |
1174 |
Total |
3172 |
According to an HRD source, most of the vacancies are a part of the State Quota. Out of 1518 vacancies in NITs, there are huge vacancies in the two most well-known NITs that is NIT-Jalandhar and NIT Surat. NIT Jalandhar has 110 vacant seats and NIT Surat has 115 vacant seats. Both of these NITs has over 10% seats left to be filled, which is a cause of concern.
Most of the students are showing their unwillingness to join the vacant seats of many NITs in Northeast region.
Again, ISM Dhanbad which has recently been recognized itself to the IIT family has done well with only 23 vacancies left out of total 912 seats. According to some sources, it has been made clear that Government might suggest a round of counselling to fill these vacant seats in the IITs, NITs, IITs and Other GFTIs. The first generation IITs Bombay, Madras, Kharagpur, Delhi, and Kanpur has no vacant seats left with it.
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