CWIT Translation and Creative Writing Fellowship 2016
April 29, 2016
About CWIT Fellowship
CWIT (Charles Wallace India Trust) 2016 has organized a translation and creative writing Fellowship for writers and translators from India.CWIT Fellowship offers one fellowship and the successful candidates will be given the opportunity to spend three months at Aberystwyth University in Wales. Translators who write in any genre including prose, poetry, drama, essay, and non-fiction or writers who are also practicing translators are invited to apply for the 2016 Fellowship. The selected candidate will be given an opportunity to work on a literary project of their choice combining translation and writing in autumn of 2016.
The scholarship is launched by Literature Across Frontiers and supported by Charles Wallace India Trust.
CWIT Fellowship 2016 application has started and the last date to apply is April 29, 2016.
- Residency Period: Mid September to Mid December
- Result: May 2016
CWIT Fellowship Eligibility Criteria
Gender | Both |
Region | India |
Class/ Age | Writers and translators from India |
Details |
Non-eligibility The applicant must not have been given a Charles Wallace India Trust Writing or Translation Fellowship grant within the previous five years. |
CWIT Fellowship Reward
The Scholarship will cover the following things:
- Travel Costs: £600
- Monthly Living Expenses: £1400
- Choice of accommodation in town at different price levels
- Travel Opportunity in Wales for research purposes and to connect with its literary and translation scene
- Facilitation of research and literary contacts.
- Opportunity to travel in Wales for research purposes and to connect with its literary and translation scene
- Dedicated staff who will provide support for the CWIT Fellows during their stay
CWIT Fellowship Application form and Process
- Personal Details: The applicant must fill the form with his name, date of birth, age, passport number etc. >> Click here to Download the application Form <<
- Contact details: The applicant must fill in the complete contact details such as residential address, telephone number, and email address.
- Educational and professional Qualification: The candidates must write about their educational and professional background.
- Employment details: The candidates must give the details of their present employment details and the name of the Employer.
- Literacy and Translation Experience: The following questions will be asked in the application form:
- Please give details of your literary AND translation experience including Publications
- Have you visited the UK before? If so, for what purpose? Please give details
- Have you previously applied for a Charles Wallace India Trust grant? If yes, give details.
- What other countries have you visited in your literary and translation career and for what purpose? Please give details.
- References: Applicant must request for two Reference form to each referee, and ask them to return the Reference form directly to LAF at and >> Click here for Reference Form
- Enclosures: The applicant must attach the following enclosures:
- Project Proposal: Applicant must clear and the concise proposal not longer than 1000 words of what they have the plan to achieve during the residency and how they will use this in their work once they return to India.
- Full Curriculum Vitae
- A passport size photograph
- Examples of literary and translation work
It is to be noted that all the enclosures must be attached in PDF, Word or JPEG format and should not be larger than 3MB.
- Signature: After filling the application form the applicant must sign the form to complete it.
All the applications will be accepted until April 29, 2016 (midnight GMT)
CWIT Fellowship Address
Mercator Institute for Media, Languages and Culture
Aberystwyth University | Parry-Williams Building
Aberystwyth SY23 3AJ | Wales, UK
CWIT Fellowship Contact Details
Telephone +44 (0) 1970 622241
Fax +44 (0) 1970 621524
CWIT (Charles Wallace India Trust)