BHU UET Result 2020 Announced - Download BHU UET Rank Cards

BHU UET Result 2020 – the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) will be announced the Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET) result 2020 by 5 October 2020. Candidates who appeared in BHU entrance exam can check BHU UET result 2020 online. For the convenience of candidates, a link is provided on this page to check the BHU UET 2020 result. To check the result, candidates are required to enter their Roll Number and Date of Birth and then click on the “Search” button. BHU PET result has also been announced on the same date. The BHU result has been declared for some of the courses. Admission to the various undergraduate programmes will be based on a candidate’s merit and choices. BHU UET Counselling will begin after result. Know more about BHU UET result 2020, steps to check and various other details from this page.
BHU result contains the following
- Marks Secured in the BHU Entrance Exam
- Overall Merit
- Merit within the Category
Latest Update: BHU UET results to be announced by 5 October
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BHU UET Result Dates 2020
The table below provides the list of important dates regarding the announcement of BHU UET result 2020.
Events |
Dates |
BHU PET Exam |
24 August to 31 August 2020 |
BHU UET Exam |
27 August to 18 September 2020 |
BHU UET Result Declared for some courses |
5 October |
BHU PET Result |
Declared |
BHU UET 2020 Result Date and Status
BHU UET 2020 was conducted in Pen and Paper Based Test as well as computer based mode which is conducted for admission in different undergraduate courses in Banaras Hindu University.
Course Name |
Exam Dates |
BHU Result Status |
BHU B.A. (Hons) Arts Result (code 131) |
16 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU BPA Result (Code 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,177) |
17 May 2020 |
- |
BHU B.P.Ed Result (theory) (Code 152) |
15 May 2020 |
- |
BHU B.A. (Hons) Social Science Result (Code 132) |
16 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU B.Ed Result (Code 567, 568) |
14 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU B.Ed Result (Code - 564, 565) |
17 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU B.Sc (Hons) Maths Result (Code 181) |
17 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU BFA Result (theory) (Code 180) |
17 May 2020 |
- |
BHU B.SC Agriculture Result (code 135) |
15 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU B.Sc (Hons) Biology Result (Code 182) |
17 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU (Hons) Result (code 133) |
14 May 2020 |
Available |
BHU B.Vocational Result (Code 188) |
14 May 2020 |
- |
BHU B.Vocational Result (Code 189) |
15 May 2020 |
- |
BHU Shastri (Hons) result (Code 187) |
15 May 2020 |
- |
BHU B.A. LLB Result (Code137) |
16 May 2020 |
- |
BHU LLB H Result (Code - 151) |
14 May 2020 |
- |
BHU UET 2020 Result - Check Online
BHU UET 2020 Result for some undergraduate and postgraduate courses has been declared on 16 June 2020. The candidates who appeared in the BHU exam can check BHU result. In order to check the result of BHU, the candidates need to enter their Roll Number and Date of Birth in the required section. The candidates are suggested to keep themselves updated on this page to get details about the result of BHU.
Steps to Check BHU UET Result 2020
For checking the result candidates need to follow the given steps
- Click on the link given here.
- Login to their registered account using their roll number.
- Click on the search button. The result will be displayed on the screen.
- Check their qualifying status.
- Download the result and keep it safe for future use.
Download BHU UET Result 2020- Click Here
BHU Score Card 2020 has following details
- Registration ID
- BHU Roll Number
- Course
- Candidate's Name
- Father's Name
- Mother's Name
- Marks in Theory
- Overall Rank
Candidates may note that BHU hostel allotment for the academic session 2020-20 (New Entrants) shall be done on the basis of a Composite Merit [100 point scale] derived by giving weightage to
(1) the distance of their place of residence from the University [upto 20 points] and
(2) marks obtained by them in the entrance test [upto 80 points]
BHU Result 2020 Process
First of all, BHU conducts the exam, then the answer key is released. The students are also given an option to challenge the answer key. After that, the result is declared. The candidates can check the process of declaring the result of BHU.
BHU BSc Agriculture Result
BHU UET for Bsc agriculture is for admission in BHU for 85% of the total Bsc Agriculture seats in the university. Remaining 15% of the seats will be filled on the basis of ICAR AIEEA 2020 UG. ICAR Result will be available in the last week of July and the seats will be filled on the basis of ICAR Counselling.
BHU Result Revaluation
The candidate only has the facility to challenge the answer key along with the valid proofs for each exam under UET. As the final result is based on the answer key so the candidates have the right to report the error if there is any. The candidate is not allowed to go for scrutiny or revaluation of the answer sheet or the booklet.
BHU Merit List 2020
Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit list in the BHU Online UET Result 2020. Candidates have to secure minimum aggregate marks in the entrance test to get into the merit list. The University reserves the right to fix minimum qualifying marks for different courses and/or different categories. The BHU admission will be based on the merit list. The marks obtained by the candidate, the order of overall merit, merit within the category of the candidate will be sent to the candidate by mail as well as SMS.
Minimum qualifying marks for BFA and BPA course
Minimum qualifying marks in theory | 35% |
Minimum qualifying marks in the practical exam | 45% |
BFA and BPA Merit List
It will be prepared by taking the aggregate marks in theory and practical examination.
Minimum qualifying marks for B.P.Ed course
Minimum qualifying marks in theory | 35% |
Minimum qualifying marks in the fitness test | 45% |
B.P.Ed Merit List
It will be prepared by taking the aggregate marks in theory, practical examination and bonus marks for sports achievement if any.
- Admission of Physically Challenged candidates of any category is not permissible as candidates in B.P.Ed course are required to perform sports activities.
- The candidates who are declared medically fit are the ones who will get admission in this course.
BHU UET 2020 Result - Tie Breaking
If a candidate secures same marks in the exam then the rank will be allotted as per the following procedure.
- Higher Marks in the Qualifying exam - The preference shall be given to the candidates who have a higher aggregate percentage of marks in the Qualifying Examination.
- In Bsc Courses (Higher marks in science) - However, for admission to B.Sc.course, the aggregate marks in science subjects in the qualifying marks shall only be considered for the tie-breaking purpose.
- Higher age: In case the candidates have equal marks in the above-stated examinations, then the candidate senior in age shall be given preference.
BHU Answer Key 2020 - Basis for result calculation
After the examination, BHU will release the answer key for all the courses and the question paper sets. After the exam is over the students are advised to visit the website regularly to check the answer key. The candidate should keep their question paper safely with them so that they can calculate their marks based on the official answer key. BHU result and merit list are based on the final answer keys.
Marking scheme
- Each correct answer will carry three marks.
- Negative Marks: One mark will be deducted for incorrect answer.
- The unattempted question will be awarded zero marks
The students will also be given a specific time to challenge the answer keys and for that, they will have to log in and challenge.
BHU Counselling - Starts after result declaration
For the academic session 2020-20, BHU will have the computerized counselling procedure to offer admissions to various courses. The counselling process will start in July 2020. The admission will be done by the admission committee of the respective departments. The concerned Head of the Department/ Coordinator will issue electronic call letters to the candidates for Counselling. The process of BHU Counselling is explained below. Candidates are advised to follow the process.
Note: Admission to paid seats will begin after the seats with the regular fee are fully occupied.
STEP 1 (Online Preference Entry): BHU Counselling will begin from the first week of July 2020. The Candidates who have qualified the BHU Written Test will be eligible for the online counselling. They have to fill the online preference entry form after getting the password. The candidate has to give preference for the following. Candidates will get another opportunity of making changes in the entries made in the Online Preference Entry Form on the day of counselling
- Honours Subject [Subject Combination] - For B.Sc.(Hons.)- Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Zoology, Psychology
- Honours Subject- for BA(Hons) - Economics, History, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Mathematics, Statistics, Geography.
- Choice of Course. This preference option is available only if admission to more than one course is done based on merit index/rank obtained in a Common Test.
- Preference of location [Faculty/Department on the Main Campus or RGSC or Affiliated Colleges]. This preference option is available only if a course runs at more than one location.
- Seat Type: Whether the candidate wants seats with regular fee only or he/she is willing to take admission in Paid Seat if the regular fee seats are full.
STEP 2 (The Day of Counselling): Candidates have to report at the counselling venue at the specified time/date given mentioned in the Call letter. They have to get their attendance marked by signing the attendance sheet available with the Counseling Centre In charge.
- In case the candidates are offered Provisional Admission, they have to collect the Provisional Admission Letter from the Counselling Centre Venue Incharge at 10:00 am on the next day of Counselling.
- Once the candidate has got the provisional admission letter from the Counseling Centre/Venue Incharge, they will have to pay the Admission Fee either Online or Offline.
STEP 3 (Activity on next day of Counselling): On the next day of the counselling, candidates have to submit the proof of payment of admission fee to the Counselling Centre/Venue Incharge. The same is not required if the fee is paid Online through credit card/ debit card / the payment gateway.
- In case candidates fail to produce the evidence/proof of payment by the said deadline, it will be presumed that they are not interested in the admission and their provisional admission letter shall be treated as cancelled/ withdrawn.
Documents Required at the Time of BHU Admission
At the time of admission the candidates are required to report at the selected institute with the following documents:
- Class 10 Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
- Class 12 Certificate/equivalent Certificate.
- Class 12/ HSC Examination Mark Sheet.
- Mark sheets of 10 examinations or equivalent.
- Transfer Certificate.
- Migration Certificate (if passed from a university other than BHU)
- BHU UET 2020 Admit Card issued from the office of the Controller of Examinations, BHU.
- Caste Certificates.
- Sports Certificates.
- Certificate of being the son/daughter of a permanent in-service employee/Retired/Reemployed/ Deceased employee of BHU in the prescribed format issued by the Central Registry.
In case, of any query related to BHU UET Result 2020, you can write to us in the comment section below.